The CV-OneNine deep nasal test swabs are not tests at all. They are a multi-purpose Nano biological warfare and transhumanism technology.
Forget that microchip big like a rice because the technology today is far away from that.
We are now in the era of nano-dust, nano-particles, smart dust and the fusing of technology and nano-biology known as synthetic biology.
Hitachi makes a nano chip that is only 0.15 x 0.15 millimeters square in size, it have GPS capabilities. Sometime called "smart dust" as they can be sprayed on us and absorbed or taken in foods, drinks, injected, and also inserted through the nasal passage with a cotton swab.
They have a two-axis magnetic sensor to track Direction. Remember that magnetism; an accelerometer to track speed, light intensity sensor, humidity sensor, pressure sensor, even a temperature sensor and can transmit Wireless to the smart grid internet of things and the cloud, literally hooking up its human biological host to the smart great trucking system, like a walking breathing smart phone.
John Hopkins University received 870 million dollars from The Gates Foundation and has developed a version of smart dust called a Thera gripper. There are dozens of them on this swab inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into the hosts intestines or blood-brain barrier can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs, poisons or even smart dust into the human body.
Nasal delivery is especially attractive to insert poisonous antigens in your body, as the nasal epithelium is characterized by relatively high permeability. The use of nanocarriers provides a suitable way for the nasal delivery of antigenic molecules, meaning a fast way to poison your interstitial fluids directly up your nose.
Then we have the DARPA hydrogel biosensor and plantable nanochip, that appears to be slated for the upcoming CV vaccines, that the US Department of Defense and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have partnered with Profusa, a Silicon Valley company to manufacture.
But Hydrogel nanoparticles and nanocomposits have already been researched for nasal drug or vaccine delivery, not just injectable vaccines. Hydrogel nanosystems have mucoadhesive properties, meaning they stick to your boogers and mucous membranes longer in order to maximize the residence time and enhance increase the period of contact with the nasal mucosa and enhance the poison antigen or smart dust absorption into your body.
Another study speaks about the development of intranasal, oral, topical, pulmonary, vaginal and rectal vaccines; but found the nasal route offers the most promising opportunity for vaccine administration of adjuvants (meaning poisons), mucoadhesives, smart dust particulate delivery systems, virus-like particles(meaning more poisons), getting around vaccine regulatory authorities and issues for Effective antigen or poison retention periods that enables its interaction with the lymphatic system.
So the billion-dollar question: Are we being tested or vaccinated and nano chipped without consent?
Many different transhumanism patents had already been filed years before the CV plandemic was ever heard of, for governments Banks and corporations to hook their humans and animals up directly to the internet of things through the upcoming 5G and 6G smart grids and smart cities in order to track monitor and control all resources on the planet.
The 2012 and 2015 AT&T US Patent 10163055B2 was for routing policies for biological hosts. Products to provide interfaces between intra host networks and Inter host Nano smart dust networks within biological hosts, utilizing neuro Regional translations perform to Route Communications to and from the biological hosts.
AT&T US Patent 20130142363 was for devices and methods for transferring data through a human body using short range 5G millimeter-wave Communications through Bluetooth and other devices, by transferring data signals through the bones and skin of a human user by placing a piezo-electric transducer microphone on or inside the body that could even occur through two human bodies making physical contact.

We also have the now infamous Microsoft patent us516138518 from March 2020, and it's World patent W02020060606 for a digital cryptocurrency system using body activity data. Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a crypto currency system. A server May provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to a server. A sensor coupled to or compromised in the device of the user may sense your body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The crypto currency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the crypto currency system and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.

In other words in the coming cashless Society if you want to get paid your digital crypto slave wages, you'll have to do whatever task you're told to do and this device will spy on your body to make sure you've actually done it. But how will this sensor hooked up to the user's device possibly know what your physical body has or hasn't done?
Simply... it will communicate directly with the Nano smart dust chips that have already been inserted into your brain and body through the Deep nasal CV Test swab.
As Benito Mussolini said: "Fascism is the merger of corporate and government power"
ID2020's goal is to provide legal digital identity for all people on earth, including birth registration by 2030.
One of their four core requirements of the digital ID looks remarkably like the CV virus and is a biological microchipping system so persistent it lives with you from life to death meaning if you took that swab up to nose it's for life.
The governments will now have digital surveillance access to all human beings that are nanochip like livestock for the new surveillance Capital industry. The behavioral Futures markets being set up by billionaires and corporations as well as the behavioral Surplus industry and human biometric energy transfer technology for crypto data mining, powered by those people ignorant enough to take the test swab vaccine injection and Luciferase hydrogel tattoo for their vaccine passport.
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